Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Are you Heading For Long Term Disability in the Future?

Over the past year I have read several articles about the poor state of the general populations health. Unhealthy lifestyle is the major point of each article and many times the solution seems to be to purchase long term disability insurance.

The insurance companies think they can make a tremendous profit feeding off the fears of individuals who believe aging and long term disability are predestined. You do have control over 70% of your health and its outcome. You are the one who makes the personal decisions every day that mold the life in which you live and your health.

You do have choices that can lead you towards a healthier life and more secure financial future. The 21st century has made available quicker and faster technology and most individuals are looking for a quick fix which in some cases is just a "bandaid" approach. Many individuals rely on medication to fix a problem without making the necessary healthy lifestyle changes in their life which may help them not to need certain medications at all.

The obesity epidemic has been talked about frequently over the last several years, yet the population's waist line continues to grow and it is still an epidemic. The common denominator for most illnesses such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and certain cancers is related to poor nutrition, unhealthy height/weight ratio, stress and lack of physical activity. Their is no magic pill for this. It is called "getting real", get honest with yourself and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle that will yield a more secure financial future without worrying about depleting your retirement saving due to long term illnesses. You do have choices and thinking that your only option for the future is to rely on long term disability insurance is a shame.

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